To ensure that your business is sufficiently secure, it is important to understand the crime rates in your area. This helps you find ways to save your business. 

A recent study from the National Business Crime Centre, based upon data supplied by police forces across the country has revealed the true extent of business crime across the UK. There were a total of 606,282 crimes against businesses in England and Wales. 

So, having a patrol security guard on duty around the clock is a very powerful crime deterrent. Other choices for your company’s security needs include alarm response and mobile patrol security. 

In this blog, we’ll discuss how mobile patrol security can protect your business. 

What are Mobile Patrols? 

Mobile patrols are security measures that help identify and prevent illegal activities. Because they are a more affordable option, these services are perfect for companies where having a full-time security presence is impractical. 

Besides, conventional security measures call for guards to be on the premises constantly. However, mobile patrols allow for skilled and knowledgeable security guards to visit the property at specific hours of the day and night. This could happen at regular intervals or randomly. 

Suitability for Multiple Businesses & Facilities 

Security personnel are highly trained to perform tailored patrol checks for a variety of commercial sites and sectors. These sectors include: 

  • Retail Stores 
  • Shopping Centers 
  • Commercial Offices 
  • Warehouses or Storage Facilities 
  • Light / Heavy Industries 
  • Campus Patrols for Education Institutions 
  • Automotive Dealerships 
  • Restaurants 
  • Parking Lots and Garages 

Benefits of Patrol Security 

Here are five detailed benefits of mobile patrol security: 

1. Comprehensive Coverage and Increased Presence

Mobile patrol security offers extensive coverage across multiple locations, whether it’s a large facility, campus, or several smaller sites. Unlike static security officers who are confined to one area, mobile patrols can move through different zones, increasing visibility and providing a dynamic security presence.  

Moreover, this roving approach helps deter potential intruders or vandals, as they cannot predict the patrol’s schedule or location. By covering a broader area and being highly visible, mobile patrols enhance overall security and provide a strong deterrent against criminal activity. 

2. Rapid Response to Incidents

Officers on patrol can quickly respond to alarms, emergencies, or suspicious activities since they are not tied to a single location. They are often equipped with vehicles or bikes, allowing them to traverse large areas swiftly and efficiently. This ability to rapidly move between locations means that mobile patrols can address incidents in real time, minimizing potential damage or harm.  

Whether it’s responding to a triggered alarm, assisting with an emergency, or investigating a report of unusual activity, mobile patrols ensure prompt action, enhancing the safety and security of the premises. 

3. Flexibility and Adaptability

The nature of mobile patrols allows for greater flexibility and adaptability in security operations. Mobile security officers can adjust their patrol routes and schedules based on emerging threats, specific client needs, or security trends. This adaptability is crucial for environments with fluctuating security demands, such as construction sites, large events, or facilities with varying levels of activity.  

Furthermore, the ability to change patrol patterns reduces the predictability of security routines, making it harder for potential offenders to exploit any perceived gaps or weaknesses. 

4. Cost-Effective Security Solution

Mobile patrol security can be a cost-effective alternative to static security for large areas or multiple sites. Instead of hiring several static guards to cover each location or area, a few mobile patrol officers can effectively monitor and secure the entire property. This approach reduces the number of personnel needed, as well as associated costs such as training, uniforms, and benefits.  

Additionally, mobile patrols require fewer stationary posts and infrastructure, further lowering expenses while maintaining high levels of security. 

5. Enhanced Reporting and Accountability

Mobile patrol security often employs advanced technology, such as GPS tracking, real-time communication devices, and mobile apps, to enhance reporting and accountability. These tools enable patrol officers to document their activities, report incidents, and provide detailed logs of their patrols.  

Such comprehensive reporting ensures transparency and allows for an accurate assessment of security effectiveness. Clients receive regular updates and detailed reports on patrol activities, incidents, and any issues encountered. This leads to better-informed security decisions and a clear understanding of how their security needs are being met. 

Static Security Officers vs. Mobile Security Guards 

Now, let’s have a look at the difference between static security officers vs mobile security guards:


Static Security Officers 

Mobile Security Guards 

Primary Role 

Stationary guard duties at a specific location. 

Patrolling multiple areas, including sites, buildings, and property. 


Fixed location such as a gate, lobby, or specific area. 

Variable locations, moving between sites or within a larger property. 


  • Access control Monitoring surveillance equipment Checking IDs.  
  • Managing entry and exit points.  
  • Visitor logging.  
  • Emergency response on-site. 
  • Patrolling perimeters.  
  • Conducting security sweeps. Responding to alarms.  
  • Checking on different locations. Incident reporting.  
  • Escort services. 
  • Random inspections. 


Focused on specific, high-risk areas where constant presence is needed. 

Covers broader areas, ensuring security across multiple sites or large perimeters. 


Limited; confined to a particular post or area. 

High; can move to different locations as needed based on security demands. 

Response Time 

Immediate within the confined area. 

Varies depending on distance and current patrol route. 


High in the designated area, providing a strong deterrent presence. 

Lower in any given location due to constant movement, but increases overall coverage. 


Typically stationed at posts with direct communication access to control rooms. 

Relies on mobile communication devices for updates and incident reporting. 


Best suited for monitoring high-traffic or sensitive points that require continuous oversight. 

Adaptable to changing conditions, capable of rapid redeployment in response to incidents. 

Interaction with Public 

Frequently interacts with visitors, employees, and contractors. 

Limited interaction unless during patrol or incident response. 

Technology Use 

Often utilizes stationary surveillance and monitoring systems. 

Equipped with mobile devices, GPS, and sometimes vehicles for patrols. 

Shift Coverage 

Provides constant surveillance and coverage for assigned shifts. 

Provides periodic coverage and check-ins at various intervals. 

Typical Work Environment 

Static locations like corporate buildings, retail stores, and industrial sites. 

Diverse environments include campuses, large facilities, and open areas. 


  • Continuous monitoring. 
  • Strong deterrent effect. 
  • Immediate access control. 
  • Direct oversight of entry/exit. 
  • Broad area coverage. 
  • Flexibility. 
  • Ability to respond to multiple locations. 
  • Efficient for large areas. 


  • Limited to a specific area. Potential monotony for guards 
  • May miss incidents outside their immediate location. 
  • Variable response time. 
  • Lower visibility in any single location.  
  • Requires more complex coordination. 

Training Requirements 

Emphasis on access control, visitor management, and stationary surveillance. 

Emphasis on patrolling techniques, emergency response, and mobile operations. 


Generally lower due to reduced mobility requirements. 

Potentially higher due to equipment, vehicles, and travel between locations. 

Final Thoughts 

Patrol security guards not only enhance the protection of your business by ensuring broad coverage and swift incident response but also offer flexibility, cost-efficiency, and enhanced reporting.  

Hence, investing in mobile patrols equips your business with a dynamic and effective security solution, crucial for safeguarding assets, employees, and operations while maintaining high levels of security.