The Importance of Candidate Screening

The Importance of Candidate Screening

Company ABC is executing hiring for significant roles for which many willing applicants have shared their resumes resulting in an overflow. One of the candidates stands out on paper among them, having striking qualifications and experience.   However, upon closer...
What Is the Difference Between BS7858 and BPSS?

What Is the Difference Between BS7858 and BPSS?

Finding trustworthy and reliable employees is very important. Especially, when you have to deal with sensitive data and confidential information. A candidate may dodge you by hiding their original identity, causing serious issues later on. So, to avoid this situation,...
Risks of Poor Employee Vetting and Background Checks

Risks of Poor Employee Vetting and Background Checks

“Ninety percent of people support background checks. Which means even people who can’t pass a background check support background check.”  — Bill Maher  Imagine an office where interviews are being conducted. Candidates charm everyone with their impressive resume and...